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  • Writer's pictureAdrienne

Not-so-HumbleBrag about the Sarge

This is the Sarge(Nick). My husband, my best friend, my partner in all things life, and sometimes, the biggest pain in my ass that ever lived. He is also the best father to our Jordy and I know that will continue with bun2. On top of all of those things, he is also the hardest worker I have ever known.

Being 87 months pregnant (37 weeks actually, but it feels like 87 months), I have acquired a new appreciation for this man. So much so, that I'd yell it from the rooftops if I could, but instead, I'll settle for a public declaration of my love and devotion and appreciation.

Now, before I go in on what an amazing guy he is, let me be clear. THIS WAS NOT AN EASY PLACE TO ARRIVE AT! In no way, has our marriage and journey been easy. We've spent countless hours in therapy and lived in some really dark places as a couple. We're approaching our 6th wedding anniversary and 8th year together and it probably took us until about a year ago to REALLY figure out our relationship. But thats a story for another time.

Who doesn't want to be looked at like that?! REALLY THOUGH?!

When we found out about bun2, Nick immediately stepped up in a way I was not expecting. Sending me on my way to the pool multiple times a week because it was the only thing that helped me not feel like dog crap during my first trimester. Keeping Jordy occupied so I could study for my AEA exam I was taking the first weekend in December. Cooking when I just couldn't muster up the energy. Helping with laundry or cleaning on his days off. And literally being the king of bath/bedtime every. single. night.

Once my 2nd trimester started and I began to feel like a normal, functioning human again, he didn't stop. He continued to go above & beyond. Even though I was almost back to my old self & managing our life without needing a 3 hour nap every day, he kept on surprising me. Making sure I got time to myself, insisting I do things just for me, and literally being Jordy's #1 source of entertainment anytime he was home.

Since the longest winter of our lives finally ended, he's made plans for the two of them to do something, ANYTHING, once he's home from work. Going to the lake, going to our friend's pool, heading over for a play date with friends, going for bike rides, chasing him up and down the street 1,000 times so Jordy can ride his balance bike. And the thing is, even if I wasn't whale-sized with our second baby, he'd still do all of this stuff because he truly LOVES being a dad & hanging out with his kid.

In turn, Daddy is now Jordy's favorite person. And for some parents, that bothers them when their kid wants to be with one parent more than the other. Not me though, and not just because I'm with Jordy 80% of the time, but because I get it. I look at Nick the same way Jordy does, with stars in my eyes. He's my favorite person too. I also think he's the greatest and I want to explode over the fact that Jordy sees him like I do. Loves him like I do. Adores him, just like I do. How can you ask for anything other than that when it comes to a parent/child relationship?! You can't.

So, here's to the Sarge. My favorite person. Jordy's favorite person. Our source of entertainment and the light of our life. Our protector. The guy who would move heaven and earth for us. Our #1. Hopefully this helps you understand just how much we love and adore and appreciate you. We can only hope to it show you too.

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