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  • Writer's pictureAdrienne

Mama Monday - Brittny

Happy Monday mamas! We're posting on Hawaii time this week! For one, this weeks mama currently lives there, but also because my internet was down the entire day and I'm just now able to get our post together!

So everyone, meet Brittny, her husband Jon, and her sweet bun Martin! This mama and I may only be acquaintances, but we have a bond that only some people share. We are military spouses.

Jon is active duty Navy, and Brittny is an Air Force Reservist. They are currently living in Hawaii thousands of miles away from both of their families. Brittny is going to shed some light on what its like to live the military life, which can also be described as nomadic, while raising a family.

"Aloha!!!! My name is Brittny! My husband, Jon, and I have been married for two and a half years and have a 15-month-old son, Martin. We are expecting bun number two here in the not so distant future. We currently live in Honolulu, Hawaii. We are living in “paradise” because my husband is active duty Navy. We moved here about a year ago and let me say it has been no easy feat.

It is so hard to move away from everything and everyone you know (especially Chipotle, Chic-fil-a, and Panera). Luckily we have this great thing called technology to keep us all in touch!

Jon and I are used to long distance, but having a bun now is whole different story. I am an Air Force Reservist and I know what its like to be on both sides of being away, the one waiting and the one working. It makes me sad to think that Martin can’t see his family on a regular basis, but we know we will not be moving around forever. Jon and I make a great team, as we don’t have another choice. We are our own little family and we try and make it as “normal” as we can for Martin.

I thank Adrienne for reaching out to me about her amazing blog. (I read it every week!!) I know she knows all too well what it is like to be a military spouse and it is so nice to have someone to relate to. I hope to whomever reads this can find something that you can relate to as well!"

1. What is your favorite thing about being a mama?

My favorite thing about being a mama is knowing that no matter what I do in life, my little man will always love me. I could be having the worst day and he would never know. All he as to do is flash those cute little teeth and give me a big drooling smile and all the bad things of the day just melt away. I also had no idea how much I could love a little being that has so much drool… I know it’s not even half as cute when my husband drools.

2. What surprised you most about being a mama?

What surprised me most about being a mama is that even though I am a stay at home mom right now, not every day is the same. Martin has his own personality and is learning new things every day. He makes sure that I cannot pee alone and God forbid he eats strawberries two days in a row!! Our days together are something I will cherish forever and I am grateful that we have this time together. He has made me grow as a person and I will forever be in his debt for my mama transformation.

3. What is the most difficult thing about being a mama?

The most difficult thing about being a mama, particularly a military spouse and mama, is being so far away from my support system. I am so lucky for technology so I can call my mom or mother in law for any questions or concerns I have. I talk to my mom and sister via Facetime pretty much everyday. Another difficult part is finding support from other great mamas when we have to move every 3-4 years. I have been fortunate enough to find two really amazing mama friends in my short amount of time here in Hawaii. We share similar parenting views and all love each other’s kids as our own. I trust them with Martin quite often and I do the same for them and their little buns.

4. The best advice you’ve ever gotten as a mama?

The best advice that I have ever received as a mama is to NEVER take advice. I listen to advice, but I only use it if I know it is going to be beneficial to my family. There is nothing wrong with smiling/nodding and saying thanks for advice, no one ever said you have to use it. Just because I think something may work well for my family does not mean it may be the best idea for you and yours. So the take home with this advice/not advice is just do what works for you and your buns!

5. Favorite mama products?

This one makes me chuckle…. Favorite mama product is dry shampoo!! Let’s face it, life with a toddler and pregnant with bun number 2 calls for more sleep when I can and less time washing my hair. A diaper bag backpack is my second favorite mama product. Don’t know why I even tried any other diaper bags.

6. Favorite bun products?

Favorite bun product for the moment is anything from the brand Kickee Pants. Martin loves the blankets and the jammies. They are so soft! (Thanks to Amie for the start of this obsession, she gave Martin his first Kickee blanket.)

7. Favorite mom hack?

Doggy poo bags, the cheap ones from TJ Maxx. I always keep a roll in the diaper bag. They come in handy for messy diapers on the go, wet clothes, and even morning sickness :)

Another week down! Thank you Brittny for giving us a glimpse into your family(Brittny is usually prettyr private so I am SO SO SO grateful she did this!). If you have any questions for Brittny, you can find her on Facebook, or head up to the Find Me tab at the top of this page!

Next week, Shay-Yana is going to share her story of becoming a young, single mama and working her ass off to provide for her buns. Perseverance at it's finest!

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