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  • Writer's pictureAdrienne

I'm going to need you to get serious about this nap. Seriously.

For some reason, I have been blessed with a pretty awesome sleeper. Ever since my son started sleeping through the night, I can count on one hand the amount of times he has fought me on going to bed or napping. Today, we're moving on to counting on two hands ::insert eye roll::. He rolled around in his big boy bed and played with his Mr. Bear and sang the freaking Daddy Finger song 136 times.

Normally, I can talk to him through his monitor when he's screwing around and he rolls over, closes his eyes like I ask, then falls asleep by default. Well after using my mom voice numerous times through the monitor and three trips into his actual room, the water works started. And that's when I knew I had to bring out the big guns. The big guns being, you're coming into mommy's bed for a supervised nap because I really need you to not be a gremlin for the remainder of the evening if you don't get one.

So, even though I didn't need a nap today (shocking really, since naps are my current favorite 35 weeks pregnant activity), I climbed into bed with my bun and hoped if he watched me "sleep", he'd follow suit quickly and I could creep out and continue the episode of Queer as Folk I was watching. But nooooooo, he was all-in on this no nap decision and was even trying to convince me as to why a nap was a horrible idea. Eventually, after fake sleeping, singing the meatball song, rubbing his face, and finally, covering his forehead with his blanket, MAMA PREVAILED! And this darling bun is what I was left with:

And even though we don't do sleeps in mama and daddy's bed, today, he gets the entire thing to himself. Because somedays, I'm going to need you to nap more than I need you to sleep in your own bed.

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